Mathematical Sculptures

Intersculpt is a biannual world wide computer sculpture exhibition. In 2005, PRISM labs at the University of Arizona, curated an exhibition featuring the physical rendering of modeled sculptures as part of Intersculpt. The models below were 3D printed (an expensive process at the time), and exhibited in Santa Fe NM and Melbourne, Australia.

Self Sustaining Life Form 1

Self Sustaining Life Form 1

The image is an example of a Fourier knot composed of a sequence of approximated spheres, each with 256 sides with an increasing radius.

    x := 4 cos(t) / 3 + 2 cos(3t);
    y := 4 sin(t) / 3 + 2 sin(3t);
    z := sin(4t) + sin(2t) / 2;

Generated using a custom Delphi program as a binary STL (stereolithography) file. Image generated by the DeskArtes View Expert freeware.

Self Resolving Double Helix

Self Resolving Double Helix

A double helix of shrinking molecules resolves from a solid Babel Tower, representing the evolution of genomic interpretation.