Time Lapse Interval

Time Lapse Delay


Cottagecam Archive Explorer

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Tips and Help:
Browse Next and Previous Photo

Select a camera from the top menu. Select a date and time using the top sliders. Tap the right edge or the left edge of the image to move forward or backward. The Time Lapse Interval slider on the left controls how far each tap moves. Minutes, Hours, Days, or random photos, random favourite photos, or favourite photos in chronological order.

Time Lapse and Slide Shows

Select a start date and time using the top sliders. Use the Time Lapse Delay slider to choose a delay between frames between zero and 15 seconds. Use the Time Lapse Interval slider to choose minutes for a time lapse covering a few hours, or hours to cover a few days. Or, choose from the random settings to show a slide show of various image captures.

Full Screen

Tap on the photo centre to make it full screen. Tap again to start the time lapse playing. Swipe left or right to show the previous or next photo.


The temperature at the time the photo was taken is shown on the blue bar above each photo. Hover over the bar (or touch) for more details, such as humidex, wind chill and wind speed and direction. Weather information comes from Buckhorn and Trent University weather stations.


Use the button to mark particularly good or interesting photos so they can be viewed in the slide show of favourites.

Favourite Time Lapse sequences:
December 1 to now, 2020. Recent favourites pictures.
December 7, 2020. The first clear ice froze during the night and melts during the day.
December 10, 2020. The snow melts off the ice in the bay.
April 2, 2020. The last ice is blown away. Spring is here.
September 13, 2021. A day on Turtle Rock.

HD Images

HD images from Peter's camera are available when requested manually. Here are the ones saved so far: HD Images.


The cottagecams are located around the Burleigh Channel. Photos are taken every few minutes all summer. John's camera has been on some winters and Peter's camera is on this year as well. There are many gaps, but the sliders will only stick to dates where there are pictures. There are currently 871,219 photos in the archive.

This is a work in progress. Please report bugs or suggestions to Peter.